
数据中心管理服务 | Maintenance Outsourcing

We deliver flexible, scalable, secure and cost-efficient data center colocation combined with exceptional service.


Senior technical teams provide whole life-cycle operation and maintenance services, including internet physical link construction, integrated wiring, routine inspection, accident warning, emergency handling, remote collaboration of system upgrade, etc.

    • 经验丰富:资深的管理层人员能熟练应对数据中心运营初期各种突发状况,确保业务的无缝迁移
      Rich Experience Senior management staff can handle all kinds of emergencies during the initial stage of data center operation and maintenance to guarantee business seamless migration.

    • 快速部署:实训上岗的每一位工程师都能独立作业,可在最短周期内完成客户设备的批量上架
      Quick Deployment Each engineer is able to operate independently and quickly deploy customer’s devices in batches.

    • 远程响应:7×24全天候现场运维、日常巡检,实时排查安全隐患,快速响应各类远程协作需求
      Remote Response 7×24 hours guarding, on-site operation and maintenance, daily inspection, risk prevention, remote authorized operation, etc.

    • 运维咨询:针对多节点分布式部署等需求,提供售前运维咨询,协助规划、筛选最佳方案
      O&M Consultation  We provide pre-sales operation & maintenance consultation, assistance for planning and screen the best solution to meet requirements, like multimode distributed deployment, etc.

标准化服务项 | Regular Service Items

    • 设备管理服务:代收代寄、进出登记、上下架、授权操作、故障预警、应急处置等
      Equipments Management Service: collection, delivery, entry and exit registration, place the equipments on/off racks, authorized operations, early waring, emergency response, etc.
    • 网络监控服务7×24×365网络连通性及流量监测,及时发现异常波动并处理
      Network Monitoring Service: 7*24*365 network connectivity and flow status monitoring, timely detection of irregular fluctuations and disposal
    • 机房巡检服务:每2小时一次现场巡视,记录机房温湿度、设施运行状况、线缆及网络连接状况、消防安防状况等
      Data Center Inspection Service: once every 2 hours on site visits, including recording room temperature and humidity, check facilities operation status, check the cable and network connections, inspect fire prevention and security facilities
    • 安防监控服务:7×24×365环境安全监控
      Security Monitoring Service: 7*24*365 environmental safety monitoring
    • ICP备案服务: 专职客服人员提供备案咨询、协助核验各项材料并提报至上级主管部门
      ICP Record System Registration Service: full-time customer service staff provides consultation, verification of relevant infomation, and assist the perform registration process
    • 咨询服务:客服热线 400-770-9799,7×24×365响应
      Inquiry Service: Hotline 400-770-9799, 7*24*365 response

增值服务项 | Value-added Service Items

    • 漏洞扫描服务:对服务器进行系统安全漏洞扫描,交付漏洞扫描报告及加固建议;按需提供电信级的流量清洗服务
      Security Vulnerability Scanning Service: scanning the system security vulnerabilities, delivering scanning reports and strengthening suggestions; providing abnomal traffic cleaning services on demand to against DOS/DDOS attacks

    • 流量分析平台:按需提供端到端实时监控、RUM真实客户体验、SPM服务器性能管理、AFM全区间流动地图等流量分析服务,并提供流量分析软硬件系统的租售
      Traffic Analysis Platform: to provide end-to-end real-time traffic monitoring, real user's management, server perfomance management, analysis flow map, etc. and the traffic analysis software and hardware system for sale/rental

