
法律声明 | Legal Statement

知识产权  Intellectual Property


The website owner  has the intellectual property rights to all contents on this website, and be protected by China and international copyright law. Please confirmed that you have received permission to forwarding the information from this website, otherwise you may have to responsible for the relevant legal.

隐私保护  Privacy protection


  1. 用户对自身信息保密不当原因,导致用户非公开信息泄露;

  2. 由于网络线路、黑客攻击、计算机病毒、政府管制等原因造成的资料泄露、丢失、被盗用或被篡改等;

  3. 根据法律、行政法规的规定,有权机关要求提供用户的个人信息;

  4. 在紧急情况下为维护用户和公众的生命、财产安全。

This website may collect your personal information for business communication when needed.  We sweared not to disclose these privacy information to any third party without legal authorization, except:

  • Users themselves do not properly keep personal information

  • Caused by network failure, hacker attack, computer virus, government regulation and other reasons

  • According to the laws and administrative regulations, the authority required to provide user's personal information;

  • To protect public life or property security, the authority required to provide user's personal information

前瞻性陈述 Forward looking statements


This site may contained some forward-looking statements to clarify our business development trends, may has some risks and uncertainties. Visitors should confirmed and beared the risk of adoption of these information. Please confirm that you have known this, and the site-owner has no duty for your loss caused by the forward-looking statements.

免责条款  Exemption agreement


  1. 因网络故障无法登陆本网站,或登陆本网站延迟或中断、数据无法传送、错误传送、毁损、灭失或其他。

  2. 客户使用本站链接到第三方网站、或自第三方网站链接而可能产生的计算机病毒、系统失灵或功能紊乱等。

  3. 因不可抗力或本公司无法合理控制的其他原因所导致的用户损失。

Except as otherwise provided by law, such as occurs in any of the following circumstances, this website has the right to interruption or termination network service without notice user, and will not bear the legal responsibility for the user's directly or indirectly loss.

  • Due to network failure unable to login to the website, delay or interruption, data transmission error, data damaged, data loss or others.

  • Users link to third party websites, and may cause computer virus or system failure or dysfunction by the third party websites.

  • The loss caused by the force majeure.

