
备案指南 | Website Filling Guide

为什么要进行网站备案? Why should the website be filled?

为了规范互联网信息服务活动,促进互联网信息服务健康有序发展,根据国务院令第 292号《互联网信息服务管理办法》和工信部令第33号《非经营性互联网信息服务备案管理办法》规定,国家对经营性互联网信息服务实行许可制度,对非经营性互联网信息服务实行备案制度。未取得许可或者未履行备案手续的,不得从事互联网信息服务,否则就属于违法行为。

In order to regulate the Internet information service activities, according to the State Council Order No. 292nd "Internet information service management standard" and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Order No. 33rd "Non-operational Internet information service record management standard", any company or personal want to engage in Internet information services business must obtain a permission first, or to be record in the On-file Administration System.

什么是前置审批? What is the pre-approval?



Pre-approval means that enterprises should be obtained the business license for some special projects approval before running.

According to the fifth provisions of "Internet information service management approach" , enterprises engaged in news, publishing, education, health care, medicine and medical equipment, culture, radio and television programs and other Internet information service, should be submit the authorities approval files to the local communications authority. Enterprises engaged in electronic bulletin service (which is the forum, BBS), should be submit an electronic bulletin service special verification files to the local communications authority.

备案常见问题 FAQ

  1. 若网站备案成功,修改备案信息会导致网站不能访问吗?

    Is the change of record affect the operation of the website?
    No, it isn't.
  2. 新提交的备案审核通过需要多久?
    How long will it take to be filled?
    About 20 days from the date of submission of relevant information.
  3. ICP网站备案密码丢失怎么办?
    How to retrieve the ICP record password?
  • 登陆工信部网站www.miitbeian.gov.cn,在右下角有“找回备案密码”按钮,选择备案号所在省,在跳出的网页中,输入“备案号、证件类型、证件号码”,输入完成提交后。如果信息填写正确,系统会向您当年注册时的E-mail和手机发送新备案密码;
    You can find the "Get back the password" button in the www.miitbeian.gov.cn. Click it, then select the record province, enter the record number, identity type and number. If the information matched, the system will send a new password to the E-mail account and the mobile phone you registered.
  • 在工信部网站www.miitbeian.gov.cn"政务公开项"点选备案号所在地管局网站入口,下载《备案密码找回申请表》,按要求填写后传真给当地管局。
    Find the "Government affairs public" option in www.miitbeian.gov.cn, select the communications authority website portal, download the "Get Back Password Application Form", fill in and fax to the administration.

备案需提供的资料 Required Information

