
数据中心人才培训 | Talents Practice Training

Education Department was founded in 2012, is the executive department of University-Enterprise Cooperation business. A series of cooperation modes have been carried out, such as joint education, joint construction of professional courses, laboratory construction, pre-job training and so on.

The joint construction of professional courses is to provide advanced useful technology courses, teaching facilities and teachers, to improve the innovative experimental teaching level of colleges and universities, so as to enhance the competitiveness of colleges and universities.

The pre-job training project is to provide high quality employment training for college students in grade three or four majoring in information engineering. We provides the self-built data centers as for the practice training bases. In January 2014, the project was officially listed in National Informatization Engineer System by Talents Exchange Center in Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which is the first cloud computing talents training demonstration base adopting professional accreditation in China.

校企合作招生咨询 | Enrollment Consultation 

实训基地简介 | Introduction to Practice Training Base

    • 鄂尔多斯康巴什高新区实训基地于2012年11月建成,拥有IT设施实验室、多媒体培训室、会议室、数据中心测试机房等共计2000多平方米的教学场地。
      Ordos Practice Training Base was built in November 2012, have laboratories, multimedia training rooms, conference room, and simulation data center test room, a total of more than 2000 square meters.

    • 北京马驹桥实训基地于2015年6月建成,共设置有4个培训教室,及配套的云计算数据中心运维实验室,可同时容纳近300人的现场授课,充分满足京津冀地区云计算及大数据人才的实习培训需求。
      Beijing Majuqiao Practice Training Base was built in June 2015, has four training room, and the cloud computing data center operation and maintenance laboratory. It can carry out nearly 300 students training course at the same time, fully meet the needs of the cloud computing and large data personnel in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

培训课程简介 | Training Course Profile

Service Item

Service Description


Training Course

  • 云计算数据中心基础设施运维工程师
    Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Engineer
  • 云计算数据中心IT设施运维工程师
    Cloud Computing Data Center IT Facility Operation and Maintenance Engineer
  • 大数据机器学习与自然语言处理工程师
    Mega Data Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Engineer
  • Android系统开发工程师
    Android System Development Engineer
  • Java+Hadoop 云计算工程师
    Internet System Architect (Java & Hadoop)
  • 职业素养课程
    Vocational Quality Course


Enrollment Policy

  • 大学理工科在校学生、在职工作人员
    College Students in Technology and Engineering Discipline, Staff with bachelor degree or above


Trainig Mode

  • 四年制本科专业共建
    University Enterprise Cooperation for four-years undergraduate course
  • 3~4个月脱产实训
    3-4 months full-time practise training
  • 高校学生及在职人员短期培训
    Short-term training for staff members and college students
  • 寒暑假师资培训
    Teacher training in Winter and Summer Vacation
  • 企业数据中心运维工程师、大数据挖掘工程师、云计算软件工程师等人才定向委培
    Enterprise customized job training
  • 中高端人才培训
    Senior and Middle-Level Talent Training


Guarantee for Employment

  • 经工业和信息化部人才交流中心认证并颁发《全国信息化工程师证书》
    After graduation awarded "The Certification of National Informatization Engineer" certified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Personnel Exchange Center

  • 优先推荐进入本公司及合作机构就业
    Priority to be employed by our company or the cooperative enterprises.

合作院校 | Cooperative Colleges and Universities

合作企业 | Cooperative Institutions

